I am using PS4 and pico but the statistics show that my data is from PS3 this is a bug?
Also can the product have some kind of speed tester and/or statistics I have 400mb cable fiber but downloads seem to be 2mb it's very low DL speed, statistics are always interesting, to figure out where the bottle nec is.
Any updates for product ipv6 update?
How do I know if my device is mining or not?
Registered on page and got the menu but dunno if it mine or not cpu pct usage is very low...
Also when I connect my device admin page it do t show https connection only http even if certificate installed. Should I have https connection?
Also can't remove null routes it say table is used by routing table even there is no active connections.
1.1.18 version say that wifi config should be fixed but admin still say cant modify wifi when pico between modem and router..
Anyhow even only firewall makes it a great investment.
Few notes, thanx in advance, intti