Smart routing seems to be broken now. I have routing for nexflix to use canada. It was working fine before the update today. Now I'm getting a message on netflix saying that I'm using a proxi or blocker device. States to unplug and try again. If i use full routing mode and use canada netflix works fine. Maybe something in the new update may have affected the smart routing feature?
I have a similar issue, smart route was working fine but after the update I get geo blocked when trying to access US streaming sites. It works ok with full route enabled. I did a reboot of Modem, router, nano and no luck.
After mine is also connected to nano, the network cannot be used. It can be used normally without linking to nano. Display: The ip address is automatically assigned, but the Internet cannot be connected.
I have same problem after upgrading from c6 to c13. Smart routing doesn't work and I have to switch to full route so Netflix won't complain that I am using proxy.
The smart route list I use as below:
yes this version having issue with smart host.
support, can we get update version ?
Same her. Smart routing dpn not working, it always presents my own ip address. On c13 firmware. Are there options to go back to the c6 firmware?
Because now the device is useless. Full routing dpn is no option for me
same issue here, patch 1.1.8. If I set the domain tunnels it will work, but smart tunneling ip adresses do NOT work
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