As some of you have noticed micropayments are live. We want to clear some confusion here as many are concerned about "missing DPR" or expensive micropayments. The actual cost is MUCH MUCH less than it seems.
Micropayments were implemented as a way to encourage users to "share more, to earn more!".
The exit node receives 100% of the Microtransaction payment.
Once you use 50 MB of data through a specific node a channel is established between the two nodes (yours and the node you are connecting to). This channel reserves 1 DPR and lasts for 48 hours (shown in micropayment BALANCE (NOT SPENT)).
This 1 DPR is pledged temporarily with the remaining portion returned to you after 7 days.
The cost of a micropayment is 1 DPR per 1TB of data used on the DPN. If you used 100 GB from a node, you would only pay 0.1 DPR. Additionally, you can have multiple channels all at once and that is why some are seeing themselves "lose" several DPR, however, the majority of the micropayment DPR will return to you after 7 days.
To sum up, if you used 50GB a day for the entire year this would cost you 18.25 DPR or $2.19 at the current token price. Even at $1 per DPR this would cost $18.25 for the entire year, and since you earn 100% of all the micropayments run through your node, your earning potential is actually far higher than what you would spend, as multiple people can be connected to your node at once. Imagine getting paid by 5 people while you lightly pay 1 person!
For example: If I connect to 10 nodes and use 50MB on each of them, 10 DPR would be temporarily locked for 7 days, after which I would receive back 9.9995 DPR 10 - 0.0005 DPR for using 500MB.
This system encourages users to offer higher amounts of bandwidth while stopping users from only consuming and not sharing.