So when I go to an hit the WiFi tab it says this
"Working mode detected: Virtual Wire Mode Wi-Fi setup is disabled because it is not supported in Virtual Wire mode"
Any ideas of what to do from here?
Same problem with both my deeper connect lite and nano since yesterday - cannot access the dashboard or atom os, even though I've removed and reinserted the micro sd card a number of times
Yeah I've got the same here? Is there anything I need to do?
Yes I too am seeing this issue you described here. I have been sharing a good chunk of my high-speed Bandwidth on my deeper mini for about a month now and staked the required 1000 DPR (minimum) to see if this yields any returns.. So far I got no returns and my dashboard says I have 17 credits.. However when I go to portal it shows I have zero credits..? Bit puzzled by that but hoping it's an API issue they gotta resolve to synch live data..? Regardless, I have no ROI on my unit thus-far, despite sharing a good chunk of my Bandwidth.. Also, I still have a nano that I didn't hook up yet as I wanted to see if this project is legit and the rewards system actually works. I realize that there are always kinks in the cable when a new project goes live and I certainly did not expect big gains off in the short term. However I am starting to get a tad concerned about the mining feature of these units? That said, I still believe that this project has potential and will stick it out until proven wrong.. Simply hope that Deeper will provide better documentation/customer service as the network matures and look after the early adopters.. Time will tell. Meanwhile have a good one and be well. Cheers. -Jasper.
I have the same issue. Does the product not work anymore ? Or are we doing something wrong?
Thinking about this I think this is for the PICO which comes with WIFI. Given other devices are wired only I think it is disabled. I could be wrong
you need to have WiFi antenna on your deeper device for that to work.
This is an issue I don't understand, but I do know that my deeper-connect is not giving me the experience I was promised. It worked Ok up to the appearance of the wi-fi tab. Also, despite allowing sharing, no sharing has taken place. Has any resolution been found; my set up is text book BTW.
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