Ive just received my deeper mini. 1. I cannot even login into deeper website I registered my device using phone # SN and staked my coins but when I try to login to website it says invalid phone # I tried reseting password that doesnt work. 2. The DPN VPN function isnt working I tried setting binance and whatisapaddress.com up in smart rout list and they both still show my normal ip. 3. I installed the certificates and it doesnt block adds on youtube. I updated to latest version 1.1.10.rel manually per forum. So why arent ANY OF THE FEATURES WORKING???? I tried all of this on previous update and when it diodnt work I hoped the update would fix it but it didnt I have it connectd from the ethernet port coming from the verizon box in the wall to dpr mini to my verizon router and the internet didnt work for like 5 min and then it started so I assume everything hooked up fine what is going on I was very excited for this but no features work and had to pay 200+ dollars in fees to stake PLEASE HELP!!!!!