Dear all, I have also a problem of sharing traffic which is only few 100kb/day...
My setup: different from above which is the simple one --> modem -> mini -> router
My ISP requires a connection with the internet though PPPoE
I've even allowed bittorent sharing and unlimited everything but I only get max 800kb/day for like 2 weeks but there is one day I managed to get 15mb but then nothing, that was the day I upgraded to 1.1.13.rel.
I wonder if there is anything specific I need to do to set this up correctly as my credit don't increase at all...
I also see that the tunnels I have a very few (3-4 in the US), (0-1 in France), (3 in Singapore) and if sometimes resets. I don't know if that is normal but it happens seldomly that I manage to see like 100 tunnels in the US but that's usually just for 3sec and then they're gone...