I am having trouble connecting my original mini gold SN: Deeper-Wire-HW-C6825E5673F1|8fe51043dbca146b for mining/staking after i have already staked and have the green check mark as its verified and on the network. My credit is 300 right now for staking $DPR.
I ordered a new mini and the new SN is: Deeper-Wire-IGG-3e13b8eea642.
I have already staked DPR$ on my old SN but after restarting my modem,mini,router by unplugging/replugging in everything and logging back into my device, i have the green checkmark saying i have correctly staked, but the DPR tab is not showing up on my original mini gold. But on the new SN mini i have, the DPR tab is already on there but i don't know how to change the old/original SN to the new SN.
1) Any advice on how to change my SN from old to new SN? Can someone from Deeper Network change this for me? Will i see my original credit score of 300 still when the device SN is switched? I have not yet bound my wallet address either as i cannot see the DPR tab on my original gold mini. In addition, my gold mini does not have the SD card in it as the new version of the mini i got does.
2) How can i get my original SN to show the DPR tab since it is still not showing up?
3)Will changing my old device SN to the new device SN fix this issue?
4) why is the old/original SN for my mini have a "HW" in it where at the new mini SN has an "IGG" in it? is there a difference between the two versions? what are they? is having a device with "HW" in my SN causing me to not see the DPR tab?