[Sharing to release frustration and possibly help someone else as support doesn't seem to know their own system and gives generic replies with a link to the knowledge base website] During initial setup it is recommended to create a Deeper Chain Wallet and tie it to a BEP20 wallet to obtain DPR for advanced staking and save from high handling fees. As there were no detailed explanations in the knowledge base website, I assumed this to mean the Deeper Connect Device would be able to utilize both Deeper Chain Wallet AND/OR BEP20 wallet to stake DPR. However, I found out the hard way that that isn't the case. When I used some available funds in an ERC20 wallet to swap for DPR and then transferred to my Deeper Chain Wallet the device staking process would not see the funds in the Deeper Chain Wallet. YOU CAN ONLY STAKE USING AN ERC20/BEP20 WALLET. My next option was to use the Deeper Chain Bridge to transfer the DPR in my Deeper Chain Wallet to my BEP20 wallet, but I ran into another bottle neck, a 3000 DPR daily transfer limit. In all, it took 4 days to get 11000 DPR into my BEP20 wallet to stake for the 200 credit score.