Hello, I just got my mini, very excited.
I'd like to start staking dpr but the whole wallet is missing from my dashboard.
Any help appreciated. Thanks Sime
you must stake , that you can find wallet in your dashboard.
i got the same issue, but already staked and have the green hook for "mining active". firmware 1.1.14 is installed. despite i have no "dpr" tab in the dashboard. i tried to do the reboot with the reboot tab. after confirmation of rebooting nothing happens. sometimes there was a note "failed to reboot". also deplugging the powercord didnĀ“t help. i now read, that the minin edition of the minis have a "igg" in the serial number. i have a "hwa" instead. does that mean i got a non miningversion !?
I have the same problem. Even after staking and receiving a green check mark I still do not have DPR or Wallet on my dash board... Please help.
Or you can ask professional customer service for help. This can help you solve the problem quickly. Professional customer service can be contacted in the lower right corner of the page https://support.deeper.network/
i just learned:
If not, your setting is wrong and public IP needs to be assigned first, most probably, you are using all-in-one router (like me).