We live in a world where we require instant everything; we are not willing to have the patience to try and understand anything new, and then when anything goes wrong, to instantly blame the new technology. As a result, this forum has become a 'moan and groan fest' when all that's needed is to give yourself and the new tech some time to become acquainted with one another.
I had some issues when I installed it first, and like a good boy, I read up on the available knowledge, eschewed irrelevancies and made the thing work. It is by no means perfect, but I have had zero issues from that day to this, and if I have, I have solved them myself.
So, before you start writing theses on why this is a heap of shit and destroying your lives, get some perspective, learn the tech and make an effort. At least then, when we are looking for a solution, we don't have to sort through all this mindless crap to find it.
Thanks all and have a great day.