r3ckless Ho am I spamming the forum with this, if this is my VERY FIRST message complaining about the product, while in EVERY OTHER POST IN THE FORUM ALL I DID WAS HELP PEOPLE. How ignorant can you be?
I am not talking about the stupid mining, but the actual product and what it is supposed to do. Since this BS mining started, you have all these leeches trying to buy it just to make money. I could careless about the mining feature, but I care about the reason I purchased it, which is to have a DPN. Right now the DPN part of it has been completely forgotten, no support, bugs, IPs not working, protection not working, filters not working.
All these new users AND DEEPER NETWORK care, is about making money with this coin. The simplest of things, and what DPN is all about, is not working properly as it should...
On top of it, if they really wanted DPN to work, they would actually reward you for sharing your bandwidth. THAT is not happening. Instead, they want you to STAKE in order for you to get any kind of rewards AND to mine as well. If you can't see this turning into a bunch of nothing, I am sorry for you.
I was probably one of the first 20 buyers of this project in indiegogo. Truly believed in it, and until the day I wrote that message above. I was supporting the project 100%, even the rewarding with their coin, which would actually help every user to share their bandwidth. But after I realized that they will only reward you if you STAKE into the company, I see that this is all about making quick money, and not about DPN. I am very disappointed as I truly believed in this project.
If Deeper allows people to mine ONLY IF THEY STAKE, that is fine and fair, and let only the ones interested in mining do it.
HOWEVER, when you require to STAKE to be rewarded for sharing bandwidth, that shows the intentions of Deeper Network... What they are doing is completely wrong. Most of the real users, trying to to grow the DPN will never STAKE.... But they would feel inclined to share their bandwidth if they could make something, just by sharing without having to STAKE ANYTHING. Anyway YOU WILL SEE that I am not wrong, just give time.
For the sale of the project, I TRULY HOPE THEY CHANGE THIS REWARDS SYSTEM, or this will never work. But again, they are no interested in the DPN, which won't make them money... they are interested in actually MAKING MONEY NOW.
For everyone else reading these two posts, sorry about that. That was done out of frustration and care for the original project. Just a shame.... I truly wish I was wrong, but the way this is going unfortunately does not support that.